MCAR in the Community
Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® Donation to Housing Professional Position
McCall, Idaho (June 15, 2021) – The Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® Donated $10,000 to West Central Mountain Economic Development Council for it's Housing Professional Position. (Pictured below Sasha Childs - MCAR President & Sherry Maupin with W.C.M.E.D.C.)
This new Position is to assist with grant writing applications, In an effort to bring Federal, State, and other available housing grants to our local communities. Funding needed to help solve our continuing shortage of Affortable & Workforce Housing.

Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® Member's Spearheaded Campaign to raise money for Cascade Food Panty New Pickup Truck
Cascade Idaho (March 26, 2021) - The Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® Donated $5000 to the Cascade Food Pantry. (Pictured below REALTOR® Member and MCAR Board Director - Dave O'Brien, presenting check to the Cascade Food Pantry). These funds were used to assist in the purchase of a new Pickup Truck for the Cascade Food Pantry.
"The Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® helped to make our need known throughout the valley. The donation from MCAR launched our fundraising campaign which led to many more donations." -Lori Anderson (Cascade Food Pantry)

"Our entire team at Cascade Food Pantry wants the Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® community to know how much we appreciate your generous donations that has allowed us to purchase this 2021 GMC truck from Kendall GMC. We will be using this truck to bring food to Cascade for regular food distributions. We hope you will see our truck and trailer on Hwy 55 as we frequently travel between the Idaho Foodbank and Cascade." - Lori Anderson (Cascade Food Pantry)

Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® Local Charitable Donations
Valley, Adams, & Idaho Counties (December, 2021) "The Covid-19 Pandemic has hit everyone hard the last couple of years. We see people in need throughout our local community. Local Foodbanks & Shelters are definitely feeling the effects of this." -Ambre Little (Mountain Central CEO)
Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® was able give back to those needing a little extra help, by donating $6200 to Our Local Food Banks, and $3000 to our Local Shelters during the 2021 Holiday Season.

"We Hope this extra boost will help replenish the needs of those in our community, as our nation heals from the pandemic." - Ambre Little (Mountain Central CEO)

Mountain Central Association of REALTORS® Christmas Giving Tree
Valley, Adams, & Idaho Counties (December 15, 2021)
While our members are individually very involved in their respective communities, as seen in our Community Support section, we are also involved as a Board. Some of our past efforts have been purchasing Christmas gifts for Local Families in Need. In 2021 Mountain Central Association Shopped for Christmas presents that supplied twenty local children & their families with a Holiday blessing in 2021.